Hello there! I’m Linda!

I’m an illustrator, painter and author working in publishing and fine art. I love getting my desk messy, working in traditional medium, gouache, ink, colored pencils and watercolor and try my best not to mix my paint water and coffee. 

I draw, paint and write from my backyard studio in Reykjavík, Iceland. I have illustrated a number of titles with other authors, including Sam McBratney’s Mindi and the Goose No One Else See, Reykjavík barnanna and Here is Iceland by Margrét Tryggvadóttir, Draumaþjófurinn and Barnaræninginn by Gunnar Helgason and Blíðfinnur by Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson.

In 2017, my debut picture book as an author/illustrator, PLAY? was published by Cameron Kids and has since been translated to three languages. At the moment I have few very exciting projects on my desk as an author and illustrator which I can't wait to share with you.

In 2023 Cameron Kids (Abrams Books) published I Dare! I Can! I Will!: The Day the Icelandic Women Walked Out and Inspired the World - A picture book inspired by the Long Friday - a real event in Iceland that inspired women around the world to stand up, walk out, and march together for women’s rights.

I live with my husband and two kids, whom I love more than anything, even more than coffee, liquorice and a well sharpened pencil (and that is something that I love a lot), so you see that I really, really like my people and there is nothing in the world that is more important to me. 


For literary inquiries please contact my agent Jessica Saint Jean at Root Literary: jessica@rootliterary.com

For all other inquiries: linda@lindaolafsdottir.com


See list of all my book projects.




Simon and Schuster, Walker Books UK, Candlewick Press, Holiday House-Books for Young Readers, Sterling Publishing, Cameron + Kids, Abrams Books, Forlagið Publishing, Bókabeitan Publishing, Sögur Publishing, Icelandic Literature Center, Amnesty International in Iceland, Iceland Post, The Reykjavík Public Library, The City of Reykjavík, Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature, Government Agency for Child Protection, Barnaheill, Hugsmiðjan, Jónsson & Le’Macks, Landbankinn, Pipar TBWA, Te & kaffi, LadyBug Magazine, RVK Brewing Company, BrewDog Reykjavík, Gaia Reykjavík, Reykjavík School of Visual Arts, University of Akureyri, Icelandic Academy of the Arts, Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís).


Photo by Sunna Ben.